Ido Fishman Advices Exercises For People With Underlying Medical Conditions

The beauty of fitness is that any person of any gender or from any specific age group can make it happen through physical activities. Exercises are even recommended for those people who are suffering from chronic conditions i.e. underlying medical conditions. For instance, heart patients as well as patients of diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure and chronic pain too can do mild or softer version of exercises. Similarly, people over the age of 60 can do cycling, swimming, walking and play soccer with kids for the best of their health. But before selecting any sort exercises, patients of chronic conditions should certainly ask their doctors and tell them what they want to do. 

Dementia and Alzheimer Can Be Prevented

Science and researchers have come to a finding that doing exercises on daily basis can improve the functionality of brain in old adults. Not doing any physical activity may expose them to medical conditions such as Alzheimer and Dementia. However, with the use of exercise, the chances of occurrence of both medical conditions can be reduced by a great deal. Even patients of dementia and Alzheimer can do vigorous exercises as well if they are not suffering from other underlying medical conditions.

Exercise Tips for Patients of Dementia and Alzheimer

Ido Fishman suggests that such patients can go for subtle and controlled walk on daily basis. Exercises can be learnt from video tutorials and can be mastered with a little bit of training. They can even dance at music of their choice to remain active. Taking of liquids here and then is also very helpful during and after the training session. The thing to note about these exercises is that they are the best solutions against medical conditions of dementia and Alzheimer. 

How Exercises Work for Patients of Arthritis

Joint pain is one of the major problems which the patients of arthritis have to deal with on regular basis. It is also one of the cause for stopping arthritis patients not to engage in physical activities. However, there are exercises which do not involve rigorous physical activity and instead can be done while sitting or lying down. These exercises include exercises such as strengthening and improving endurance.

For instance, for gaining strength, arthritis patients can do gentle stretching over the head by raising their arms one by one. In this way, they can slowly develop strength into their arms’ muscles. Similar technique can be applied to legs as well. However, there is no need to lift your legs higher but try to lift them at the convenient level. It is also essential that while raising legs or arms, the person must hold his or her breath and when lowering, release the air. 

The next step would be to go for endurance after getting used to stretching. Through stretching, a patient will get enough strength in two months’ time which will enable him or her to do endurance exercises. There are thousands of methods of achieving endurance, yet cycling and swimming are the most easy task and not difficult. 

Another benefit of endurance is that it can help a person losing extra weight and could lead to balancing of weight. 

Recommended Exercises For Patients Dealing With Diabetes

People with diabetes can in fact do rigorous training as well but that is for young adults only as has been recommended by Ido Fishman. In the case of older adults however, they have to be extra careful about rigorous exercises. They don’t want to end up pulling their muscles and succumbing injuries of any kind. The best technique for them to balance their sugar level is to do daily walks of at least one hour. Stretching is also a very good option for diabetes patients.

End Remarks

Physical activities are crucial for strengthening bones and muscles together. They are also benefitting for the respiratory functionality in the human body. Staying active at any age is essential however safety comes first for which doctor’s consultation is essential than any other thing.